2/100 of #the100DayProject Sketching photos from my #instagram feed on my #iphone today's is of @janaecharlotte #art #line #drawing #texture #sketch #digital #woman #face April 7, 2015
2 girls and mom. Sketch at the mall #art #sketch #moleskine #ink #watercolor #sketchbook #mall #foodcourt #girl #eat #artoftheday April 6, 2015
1/100 of #the100DayProject Sketching photos from my #instagram feed on my #iphone today's is @liebeskindsol #sketch #digital #art #drawing #hand #breakfast April 6, 2015
2 older gentleman talking about days gone by. Starbucks sketch 2. #art #drawing #sketch #paper53 #digital #line #color #ipad #starbucks #coffee #booth #reminisce #conversation #men #illustration #talking #oldfriends December 6, 2014