I had the privilege of attending this years Tribe Conference hosted by Jeff Goins.
Now, I've been to my fair share of conferences, but this one lives up to it's name, literally. It is more than speakers on a stage turning on a firehose of information. It's a community, a real "tribe".
The whole conference is an environment of encouragement, that I believe that stems directly from Jeff. He hasn't set up a conference to sell you more courses and books (although they are made available if you desire them). It's designed to be a real help for the attendees to take their next step in their journey as an author (or artist).
Besides the incredible opportunity I had to live sketch this event as it unfolded (for more information about my event sketching service click here) I had 3 big take aways:
1. Embrace struggle.
Jeff posed a question to the audience in the beginning of an interview with Natalie Brenner (who just released her first incredible book). He asked "Why doesn't your definition of success include struggle?" I have to be honest, that stopped me in my tracks. So often I feel the struggle of my own journey so deeply. I long for those places of breakthrough (and relief). It never occurred to me that my successes were not being held back by struggle, but perhaps struggle was the vehicle to help me get there.
2. Make your mess your message.
Ishita Gupta shared this from the stage in her talk. And it resinated immediately. I am messy. I finally embraced this in my artistic style years ago. Now, I'm challenged to embrace it in how I live out my life before others. In a world of curated Instagram feeds, it's tough to reveal your mess. But that just might be the very thing someone needs from you. The thing that makes you more approachable and human.
3. Tell more stories.
Through my sketching and interactions with the speakers and fellow attendees, I realized I need to tell even more stories with my art. I need to make more art where I invite others in, so my art isn't just about me, but it becomes a place for community and connection. This rings true to my core and my "why". I'm looking forward to how that expression will take shape in new art I create.
What about you? Are you chewing on any insights lately that are altering the course of your work and life? Id love to hear them!
Live Sketch during Jeff's interview of Natalie Brenner.
Making messy art while listening to Ishita's message.