Dare To Be Stupid

DareStupid (Image available here for purchase)

Last time, I introduced you to one of my "3 Rules for Creating" - Show Up and Work!

Today, let me introduce you to my next rule...

#2 Dare To Be Stupid

Yes my friends, Weird Al Yankovic had it correct back in 1985 when he released a song by this very title. He's been doing stupid for a really long time. With no signs of slowing down. As a matter of fact he's in the height of his career with having nabbed the number one slot for a comedy album on the Billboard charts. Now before you click some other link to leave this page, hear me out...

This rule is about loosing you inhibitions. Every time you sit down to create something, you start hearing "those" voices. You know the ones.

"You can't do it that way. You'll look foolish".

"What on Earth are you thinking? No one is going to {buy, read, watch} that. You'll just prove to others that you really aren't that good and don't have a clue what you are doing."

By adopting Rule number 3, you kick those voices in the teeth and actually do something "stupid" just to spite them. It's not just for stupidity's sake. But it's in doing something stupid that we experience the sense of PLAY. And that my friends, is where the good stuff is.

Last week, I decided to try something stupid. Instead of using a paintbrush, I used a stick. Yes, from my backyard. And I made a video Instagram post of me using it. Stupid. But you know what? It was also freeing and playful. And I really like the results. Results, I might add, that I would never had come upon if I had not dared to be stupid.

What stupidity should you be chasing? Odds are you know. It's that thing that the "voice of reason" is trying to stifle right now.

What are you waiting for? Go for it. You never know what breakthrough might be just beyond stupid. Take Al's advice. Watch his video if you like, then muster up all the stupid you can find and have FUN!

...Get your mojo working now I'll show you how You can dare to be stupid...

...Come on and dare to be stupid It's so easy to do Dare to be stupid We're all waiting for you Let's go...

...You can be a coffee achiever You can sit around the house and watch Leave It To Beaver The future's up to you So what you gonna do...

Dare to be stupid

~ Weird Al Yankovic, "Dare To Be Stupid"


If the 80's style is a bit much for your sensibilities, try this one on for size.


Is this really necessary?

pencil_blue To be honest (and I aim to), I've had a love/hate relationship with blogs. I like the idea of starting them (mostly), but over time the love fades. And then it feels more like something I have to do, not want to do. But here's the problem: I really do want to have a forum to express my thoughts & ideas, and would really like to connect with people like you (like-minded artists). And do so in more than 140 characters.

So, I'm launching out again. But this time I'm sticking to what I know & where I live, so to speak. I love art. I love to CREATE. That's my passion. Not just the skills of executing an idea or design but the conceptual thinking - the creative process.

There was a time along the way on this journey where that got lost in the shuffle. Someone asked me what my passion was and at that point I couldn't answer. And it really messed me up. I allowed all these other roles and responsibilities to cloud even my faintest creative endeavors. But that's behind me now. I know who I am. I know what I am (and what I'm not). And I want to connect from that place of authenticity (and maybe even help some along the way through what i've been through).

So to answer my own question - "Is this (site) really necessary?" - yes. For me it is. It's a place to share what I see & how I see it. A place to SHARE. And I'm hoping it's not just me, but you as well. So if you have thoughts, ideas, questions, etc. - let me know. I'd like for this to be a conversation, not a soliloquy (Dost thou protest? Me thinks, not...).

If you're an artist (and I'm assuming if you're this far into things you are) I'd love to connect. Break through that wall of silence (AKA "Lurker mode") and introduce yourself. Who are you? What do you do? What would you like to see here?

Go on. I triple-dog-dare-ya.