Creative Mental Health Mondays

Mental health concerns only continue to rise.

19.86% of adults in the US are experiencing some form of mental illness. That’s equivalent to nearly 50 million Americans.

As a creative person, I know all too well the struggles that mental health can present when trying to show up for your creativity. Depression, anxiety, burnout, fear… 

My return to my art after a ten year absence came because I was suffering from depression. 

My whole life was shattered through a series of events. Emotionally I was a knotted up ball of twine, and I couldn’t find the ends. It was rock bottom. 

I wanted joy again. And hope. And to not feel like I was suffering alone. 

I wanted to be able to understand what was happening to me, and be self aware enough to be able to try to find my way out.

My art was one thing that brought healing. And perspective. It helped me process.

Since then I’ve still had times where I was suffering from depression that left me unmotivated, uninspired and tired, but I still had to show up and create because it’s my job.

I’ve had seasons where I was doing all “the things.” Spinning all the creative plates. Trying to advance my career, but suffering from burnout as a result. That left me wanting to do nothing, having so little energy. Then that ushered in embarrassment and shame.

I’ve had other seasons of enduring constant low grade anxiety while trying to create, wondering the whole time - is this any good? Will anyone want this? Will I eventually feel good about what I'm creating? That also left the door wide open for the inner critic to mock my creative efforts.

That’s why I’m starting Creative Mental Health Mondays.

I’ve found that when creative people are willing to be real and vulnerable about their experiences around mental health, our stories are not so different. Yet, so many struggle in silence, and in shame. 

I want to bring more conversation and awareness around mental health and creativity, to normalize some of the experiences we may have had. So creative people don't feel alone. And can start, or keep taking steps towards health while pursuing their creativity. 

So Creative Mental Health Mondays starts Monday, May 16th during Mental Health Awareness month (Using the hashtag #CMHM)  and will be ongoing.

By participating we can bring more awareness, conversation and community around this topic via the art we create.

Here’s how to participate:

Create & Post Your Art.
You can create drawings, paintings, design, animation, sculpture, photography, video / performance, poems, writing, music … whatever your creative expression is… centered on themes of mental health (depression, anxiety, burnout, etc.)

Post on Instagram using the hashtag #CreativesMH and follow me @Mikebone
I will be highlighting and resharing some posts!

Join the Community
If you would like to be a part of more conversations and community, join our private Facebook group Daily Creative Habit.



When does the challenge run?

It will be every Monday ongoing. 

Where do I participate?

The challenge will be hosted on Instagram. Use the hashtag  #CMHM and follow / tag @mikebone on instagram so I can be sure to see your posts. 

If you don’t have Instagram, you can feel free to still create and post, but the community challenge will be Instagram based.

When can I participate?

Every Monday I will be sharing new art, from myself and from some others. You can create and post the art whenever you like, but Mondays will be our day of concentration. 

What form should my art take?

Art can be visual art of any kind, music / audio, video… anything you like. Just be sure to share an experience or story as to why you created the art. Give context. Be vulnerable. 

Will there be pre-selected themes?

Not at this time, but if you need ideas look at the list on this page. Each person may have a different struggle or mental health issue they relate to, and as such it’s better for that person to create something meaningful and personal. 

What can I expect from participating?

You will be a part of a growing group of creatives who all want to help bring awareness to mental health issues especially in relation to creative people. You can join our free Daily Creative Habit group for even more community.

Can I still participate if I’m a creative person who doesn’t struggle with mental health issues?

Yes. As long as you have a shared interest in helping bring awareness in a respectful and helpful way, the more the merrier!


Need some ideas on themes?

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Fear

  • Inner critic

  • Burn out

  • Daily affirmations

  • Self care self love

  • Purpose 

  • Abandonment

  • Rejection

  • People pleasing

  • Trama

  • Shame

  • Anger

  • Limiting beliefs

  • Bullying

  • Perfectionism